How to Clean Your Hookah Pipe

Hookah water pipes in NZ need to be washed regularly to keep them hygienic and prevent obstruction. Proper cleaning also ensures a longer lifespan for your hookah, better overall performance, and optimum flavour output.

Things you’ll need to clean your hookah pipe.

  • Lukewarm water (even water from the tap should do)
  • Cleaning agent - lemon juice, dish soap, or vinegar (your choice!)
  • Base brush, a sponge, Q tips, and a narrow stem brush
  • Baking soda (optional but recommended)


Follow these steps to clean your hookah and water pipes in NZ.

  1. Mix your preferred cleaning agent with water.
  2. Disassemble the shisha parts carefully and soak them in the cleaning solution. Unscrew the valve to reach every part.
  3. Clean the vase by filling it halfway with your cleaning solution. Swirl it around and carefully dump the contents. Repeat as necessary, and use the base brush to scrub out the vase's interior before rinsing with plain water until it is completely clean.
  4. Use a narrow brush to clean the stem. Block one end of the smoking pipesin NZwith a thumb and fill them with the cleaning agent. Scrub the dirt with your narrow brush and rinse with tap water until clean.
  5. Check if the hose is washable. If it is, fill it with the cleaning solution and wash it out up to three times with clean water. Most silicon hoses are washable.
  6. Clean the bowl with the cleaning solution, but be careful if it’s glazed. Aggressive scrubbing can remove the coating, so use Q-tips, paper towels, or a sponge to remove any residue or dirt gently.


More things to know

Avoid placing water pipes in NZ in a dishwasher, and don’t leave water in the vase after smoking as this could result in mould build-up. Clean the hookah stand only with water, but consider a cleaning agent to remove flavour residue.


Pro tip: It’s always a good idea to wash smoking pipes in NZ after every use and every time you change flavours. This way, you don’t have to worry about unwanted tastes and other unpleasant experiences. Use baking soda to clean the stem and base deeply and effectively.